Friday, December 27, 2019

We Do Abotions Here, Textual Analysis - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 450 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/18 Category Analytics Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Marie Allbee Sallie Tisdale â€Å"We Do Abortions Here† In this paper, you will hear about a nurse’s experiences working at an abortion clinic from a literary and professional nursing prospective. It takes place in the 1970’s when it was legal to perform these procedures. Sallie Tisdale offers you a very detailed and upfront explanation of what an abortion really is. I believe that the many different circumstances and situations given in this text will help give people a different perspective on how we judge others. Sallie Tisdale was an American nurse and essayist, with her writing based upon health and medical issues. She was born in 1957, in Eureka, California. She earned a B. S. in Nursing at the University of Portland in 1983. She has won many awards and honors for her work, including being deemed a â€Å"National Endowment for the Arts† fellow in 1989. The story of â€Å"We Do Abortions Here† was published in Harper’s Magazin e in 1990. The nurse that works at this clinic enjoys her job and her co-workers. She cannot show her true emotions and let people know what she truly feels. Many different people come through her office, but there is some sort of similarity between all of them. Some are married, single, too young, they’ve been raped, or not capable of providing for a child. Most of these women are scared and confused, and are just looking for someone to support them in their decisions. In the story, she begins by telling you of a patient she will see. She’s 18 and pregnant for the fourth time, uses drugs regularly with her dirty needle marks in the open. But his is nothing new because the people that see her all have a different story with the same ending. You will find a couple that has become pregnant on accident. The husband wants nothing to do with having another baby and would like to know if it is a boy, so he can punish his wife for her mistakes. Apparently, some spouses have the right to abort if it is not the sex that they had wanted. If you listen to some of these circumstances, you would understand why these women choose to abort. When the author gives you the detailed description of the procedure, it is almost gut wrenching. It is just that graphic and she compares it to having a manicure †quick, cheap, and painless†. The doctors who practice these procedures have the final say on how far in the pregnancy they will perform an abortion. Some doctors will have a gestation limit or a limit on the amount performed on a patient, yet others will manipulate the rules to make their own. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "We Do Abotions Here, Textual Analysis" essay for you Create order

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Still I Rise And 12 Years A Slave Essay - 1348 Words

Has a film and a poem ever seemed the same to you? Still I Rise and 12 Years a Slave have similar issues regarding race, differences, and identity, but their positions and how the texts are represented vary in many ways. Issues with race is an obvious factor in both Still I Rise and 12 Years a Slave, It effects most characters in the film, and has a great impact on the author of Still I Rise, Maya Angelou. During the film, the main character Solomon is a free man take from his life, and sold into slavery as if he was never free. He faces many obstacles throughout the movie involving the color of his skin. Since he was black, the men who took him, assumed he deserved to be a slave and believed he was their property to sell. On many occasions he was ignored of his talents because he could not be seen as anything other than an object by the slavers. Solomon was educated and could play the violin magnificently. He told his owner Ford that he was not like the other slaves, that he did not belong there, but was ignored and told he could not hear what he was saying. During this time period, race was a deciding factor as to how you were treated by people. Correspondingly, racial issues appear many times in the poem and film. Throughout the poem, you would not know the author was black, until the end. In the ending stanza, she mentions being â€Å"the dream and the hope of the slave† informing us that she is colored. Maya Angelou is an African-American, and experienced a lot of racialShow MoreRelatedThe Life Of Frederick Douglass An American Slave983 Words   |  4 PagesDouglass an American Slave, is an incredible story of one man’s struggle to become free from the bonds of slavery. While experiencing his hardships and celebrate his triumphs along the way, the story saddens you with the cruelty of humans but leaves you joyous at the outcome. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Analysis of Historical Cost Accounting †

Question: Discuss about theAnalysis of Historical Cost Accounting. Answer: Critical analysis Historical cost accounting and the fair value system of accounting are the two accounting principles which are used to evaluate and record the price of assets. Historical cost is based on the original value of the asset while the fair value accounting system is based on the current price of the asset (Easton and Zhang 2016). In this scenario, the change in accounting principle will cause the carry cost of the land and building to decrease. This is because of the fact that initially the healthcare was following the fair value method of accounting where the present value of the asset is taken into consideration. However, when the organization shifted from the mark to market method to the historical value method the carry value or the book value of the land and building will decrease as it takes the original price of the land in the balance sheet (Watts and Zuo 2016.). Therefore, when the historical accounting principle was implemented the value of the land and building during the purch ase is taken into account. According to me, the decision taken by the company was wrong as even though the historical method is easy to calculate it wont show the current valuation of the land. However, the mark to market methods gives us the exact valuation of the assets. The carry value of the land was bound to decrease as the it will show the original price of the land at the time of purchase. However, I do not agree with the decision of the Director of Regis Healthcare as fair value pricing has taken over from the historical method and is more advanced technique. However, the drawback of the technique was exposed during the financial crisis of 2008 which showed that too much fluctuation in the prices of the assets will lead to inaccurate accounting. However, in this scenario there is nowhere mentioned that there is fluctuation in the market so I feel the organization should have used the fair value method of accounting. References Easton, P.D. and Zhang, X.J., 2016. Mixing Fair-Value and Historical-Cost Accounting: Predictable Other-Comprehensive-Income and Mispricing of Bank Stocks. Watts, R.L. and Zuo, L., 2016. Understanding practice and institutions: A historical perspective.Accounting Horizons,30(3), pp.409-423.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Stereotypes Essay Example For Students

Stereotypes Essay Stereotypes are the organizational factors that virtually shape the way we think in 20th century America. They somehow manage to categorize some of lifes most complex matters into nice distinct sections. Classifications and organization, at first glance seem to be useful in distinguishing various aspects of modern life. However, these grouping methods can be very inaccurate, leaving erroneous ideas in the minds of citizens on a global level. Stereotypes, though originating as convenient sorting mechanisms, instead, influence our thinking process. By instituting broad categories, establishing virtually immovable terms, and, often, being mistakenly identified as facts, stereotypes affect the mental process of humans. We will write a custom essay on Stereotypes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Originally used as an organizational tool, stereotypes were simply broad generalizations about subject matters. These ideas werent necessarily meant to cause the feelings of anger that they do today, but to classify ideas. However, possibly the most apparent problem with stereotypes is that the sort very intricate subject matter into large, broad categories. For example, human beings are too complex to use generalizations like, ?all blondes are dumb? or ?all smart people are nerds.? Stereotypes use wide terms, to simplify subject matter, but this attempt often ends in an inaccurate result. Despite their wide generalizations, stereotypes establish virtually immovable terms. For example, Third World countries were hastily grouped together not because of social or economic similarities, but out of convenience. Since that time, the industrialized nations have harbored this stereotype that the third world is land of starving children and savage tribes. Despite decades of vast improvement, this stereotype remains unchanged. This rigid stereotype has caused many citizens to embrace a false view of the Third World nations and its citizens. Stereotypes, clearly, should not be mistaken for factual information. Although there may be a certain amount of truth to the statement, the generalization is often inaccurate. Unfortunately, many people believe this information to be not only truthful, but factual. Since most Americans have not visited a Third World country, they believe many misconceptions to be true. In reality, these stereotypes are often wrong. They may apply in some ins tances, but they should not be considered factual. Through establishing broad categories, creating immovable terms, and being mistakenly identified as facts, stereotypes often place inaccurate ideas in the peoples minds. They have a huge impact on the thought process and ideas. As increasingly more and more people become aware of this error, many of the stereotypes we now embrace will become obsolete. Works ConsultedLane, Charles. ?Lets Abolish the Third World.? Thinking Globally. Andrew E. Robson. McGraw-Hill: United States of America, 1997. 155 ? 160.