Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Building and Construction Materials

Question: Discuss about the Building and Construction Materials. Answer: Introduction: Poor indoor air quality is a problem which affects most constructions that are over 20 years. In this case, the building has been experiencing indoor air quality problems and has been complained about by past tenants. But the problem with poor indoor air quality can be solved and for a potential tenant, there are multiple ways to check the indoor air quality and prevent it from affecting the lives of the tenants and the commercial workers. There is a need for improved screening and improvement within the indoor air quality in many buildings which are over twenty years old. Building Performance principles For creating a sustainable and high-quality building it is necessary that the people involved understand their requirements and try their best to provide optimal services. There should be a good amount of thought given for creating a state of energy efficiency which makes the building consume less energy such as creating different and sustainable and alternative means to provide energy(Aksamija, 2013). Then there is a need to verify and create new measurements that go with the local rules and regulations of building construction. Measuring and improving the correctness of the measurements allows people to understand and implement the renovation work easily in later life. It is also important to measure the quality of indoor environment which will directly affect the inhabitant and workers(Bertoldi, 2011). There is a need to check the Thermal systems and the ventilation which improve the comfort of the individuals. There should also be checking for the humidifiers, moisture controller s and ducts and pipes which supply air within the building(Institute, 2015). Then there is a need to improve the day lighting and also improve the low-emitting materials which impact the health of the individuals residing within. It is important t consider the source of the materials being used, its quality and the results when it might start to decompose or get soiled. It is important to note that a buildings life is dependent on the products used for the building so it is needed to create a good quality structure and the subsystems should be also a good quality to support the long life of the inhabitants. The use of proper air systems is also a necessity, lack of air and the overexposure to dust or poisonous materials can impact the health in the long run so it is important for the people moving into the commercial space to properly check tee air quality and then take the decision(Woodner, 2009) Test mechanisms Building security is needed to improve the quality of the building and its sturdiness. There is a need for evaluating a systems security and is important to know the complexity of the building. As the building ages, there are multiple reasons for the vulnerabilities of the buildings to rise. There is a need to the research and development there is a need for the rules and regulations to being fulfilled properly by the building company(Kim, 2015). In most countries, there are stringent rules and basal values which need to be followed while a building is constructed or even renovated. There is a need to follow those rules which govern the good building methods and systems(Zhang, 2016). There is a need to test whether each building has a good and safe building plan which will not endanger the lives of the inhabitants. The people residing must e made aware of the products being used for the construction and for the renovations if necessary. There should be tests done to understand the bu ildings quality and also to test the type of products that are being used inside the building. It could be the fabrication used for the same or it may be the kind or wallpapers and floorings used(Wang, 2016). Most indoor air shafts and air ducts need to be checked whether there is a need to clean them. These air ducts and shafts can be the breeding ground for many unhealthy germicides which can impact the health of the individuals residing inside. So it is important to test the CO2 and CO levels within the residence, also check a number of toxic gasses and remittances from the insides of the buildings. There is also a need to provide the need to check the quality of air in the exterior of the building. There is a close resemblance of the air that travels within the building with the air thats available outside since the same air is filtered or sometimes sent unfiltered into the building and this causes health issues(Gambhir, 2014). With the presence of pollen, harmful materials, dus t, co2, CO and other harmful gasses, there is a need for fresh air that needs to be properly filtered for the use within the building. And the new inhabitants need to test the same; it can be improved with more stringent filtration systems, improved air circulation. It is also required that the ducts and vents are cleaned and tread so that the air travelling inside is free of any pollutants(Robertson, 2008). Built system and sub-system The built system is the main core of the building which holds the building in its glory and provides support to the construction. It is thus important that the built system employed by the builder is of good quality. For new tenants, it is important to check with the old records to understand the quality of the built system on which the whole building is residing. The built system is usually customizable and is dependent upon the type of building is being created. This makes it important for the company employing the services that choose good building services and also use the high quality and government-approved systems. There should be this use of good manufacturing equipment which creates innovation and balance and flexibility(Mele, 2005). There is a need for tough and flexible manufacturing base and equipment. The subsystem of a building is consisting of the lighting within, the amount of energy consumption and the products used within the floors to ensure that the air conditioni ng is done optimally. The water supply, as well as the drainage systems within the building, should be checked to ensure that they are good. It is also that the heating of the air within the building evenly distributed evenly to ensure that all the systems work in a good way and are not caring problems of indoor air quality or are not affecting the indoor air quality in any way(Pels, 2016). There is also a need to check whether the floors are protected from the fire and other hazards and are protected from the regular everyday usage. There is a need to find out how secure a building is before you also check the consistency of the gas and electrical supply(Bonnema, 2016). The indoor air quality depends on of a lot of items, which include the habits of people living in the enclosed space. For example, people who smoke or cook can cause different particles to be present within the space. Also, there could be the use of other materials which emit other particles and substances within th e war and cause a significant change in the quality of air. The buildings exterior environment also impacts the quality of air present. If the external air shafts are present in front of dusty and smelly areas the air coming into the building would be full of dust, harmful particles and more which can impact the quality of life within the building and cause serious health issues(Hitchens, 2004). Performance measurement methods There is a need for a good performance measurement system for a commercial building and its various air qualities within the building. There is a need to measure that the buildings that are concerned with building age making the commercial spaces a bit less favourable for renting. There is a need to have performance measurement systems that develop the right tools and give the right figures that measure the right methods to ensure great performance. Some commercial buildings advertise to be green buildings made with low energy and offer better performances but there is little evidence that these are really following the feels and are adhering to the guideline properly. So instead of just seeing the tags, a new person moving into a commercial space should measure the right facts and figures to understand the quality of life within the building(Kim, 2015). There should be enough space within the building to ensure good flow of air, the internal air system s would be free of suss and po llen which is harmful for many people. Since allergic reactions can be caused from pollen it is important to ensure that the air filtering systems are able to block them. There is also a need to measure whether the heating and thermostat systems control the air flow and air quality within the building in the right way. There is definitely a lack of proper tools to measure these, other than measuring amount of harmful emit ants found in these areas. The temperature distribution within tee rooms and areas should also be checked for consistency to ensure good comfort for people living or Woking within the areas. Some areas in old buildings can be colder or hotter than the rest of the building which can make it hard for people working in the different temperature zones to function properly. The basal temperature suggested by the health authority should be followed for ensuring theta the workers in a stagnant office feel pleasurable and are free from the affects of the external environme nt(Robertson, 2008). Materials used in building To sum it up, the term Materials signifies all the items being used for the creation and formation of the building. These materials are used for both the interior creation as well as the exterior creation of the certain building. Today builders work with a number of materials to fulfil the needs of the builder. The need for the builder is to use materials that help keep the building safe from the external environmental extreme conditions, shield from rain and wind as well as keep supporting the structure. The internal structure is also dependent on the looks or finishes the builder wants to achieve, the health and safety of the persons depend on the type of materials used. The type of insulation, sealants etc affect the indoor air quality as well. How well the external walls and other materials hold up to the needs of the internal environment(Mele, 2005). There is a need for using the right materials which create the best indoor environment and ensure that the indoor air quality is o f good quality and does not create a problem for the inhabitants. Usually air ducts, shafts and a centralised airflow system is used nine most commercial buildings with thermostats to control the temperature within the building but there are sometimes problems in the thermostats while it has been used for years. There is a need for using proper systems for the same and use the needed measures to ensure that these dusts and shafts are free from microbes, algaes, pollen and other serious materials that can cause health issues(Gambhir, 2014). Conclusion There is a need for proper testing and measuring methods to make the new tenants of the commercial space. Good indoor air quality is necessary to provide good nourishment to the inhabitants so the new inhabitants should know how to measure the quality of indoor aim and use proper methods clan and improve the quality of indoor air which might pose serious health concerns over the years. Damp, air polluted with pollen and other serious unhealthy particles create serious health problems that can affect the life of the workers or resects but there is a need for the new inhabitants to properly check and then move into the building. References Aksamija, A., 2013. Building Simulations And High-Performance Buildings Research:Use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Integrated Design and Analysis. research journal, 5(1), pp. 1-9. Bertoldi, P., 2011. Principles for nearly Zero-Energy Buildings, s.l.: Buildings Performance Institute Europe. Bonnema, ,. M., 2016. Systems Design and Engineering: Facilitating Multidisciplinary Development Projects. CRC Press ed. s.l.:CRC Press. Gambhir, 2014. Building and Construction Materials. s.l.:McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd. Hitchens, M., 2004. Fast Track Projects: Managing Factory Automation Projects. s.l.:Max Hitchens. Institute, B. P., 2015. Building Science Principles Reference Guide: Second Edition - Spanish ICC. s.l.:Building Performance Institute. Kim, H., 2015. Internal-curing efficiency of cold-bonded coal bottom ash aggregate for high-strength mortar. Journal of Building Management, 6(6), pp. 55-66. Mele, C., 2005. A Brief Review of Systems Theories and Their Managerial A Brief Review of Systems Theories and Their Managerial, s.l.: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences . Pels, J., 2016. Systems Theories , s.l.: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences . Robertson, L. E., 2008. Tall Building Criteria and Loading. s.l.:ASCE Publications. Wang, T., 2016. The Open Construction and Building. The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 88(7), pp. 66-90. Woodner, A., 2009. High Performance Building Guidelines. illustrated ed. s.l.:DIANE Publishing. Zhang, L., 2016. Parametric Analysis on Collapse-resistance Performance. The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 10(1), pp. 466-480.

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